Native Trees and Shrubs of South-Eastern Australia

Native Trees and Shrubs of South-eastern Australia embraces an area that stretches from the Flinders and Mt Lofty Ranges in South Australia, across Victoria and southern New South Wales to the NSW South Coast.


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Native Trees and Shrubs of South-eastern Australia embraces an area that stretches from the Flinders and Mt Lofty Ranges in South Australia, across Victoria and southern New South Wales to the NSW South Coast. It records the land and its vegetation in a scientifically accurate, but accessible style. Virtually all species of native trees and larger shrubs in this area are described, and their occurrences are related to the features of their environments – events of the past, geology, landforms, soil and climatic conditions.

In a systematic sequence, every species is illustrated and accompanied by a distribution map. Descriptive information is concise, and carefully researched. There are more than 300 colour plates, and over 160 black and white photographs. The brief descriptions of places of special interest, as well as the eight regional ‘guide-lists’ that cover the coast, hills and ranges, high-mountain country, and various inland areas, assist anyone exploring such regions to identify the trees and shrubs.

The brief descriptions of places of special interest, as well as the eight regional ‘guide-lists’that cover the coast, hills and ranges, high-mountain country, and various inland areas, assist anyone exploring such regions to identify the trees and shrubs.
Author: Leon Costermans
ISBN: 9781877069703
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Leon Costermans completed a Bachelor of Science degree at melbourne university, majoring in geology and geomorphology, and went on to do a Masters in botany.  After a lengthy career as a teacher and lecturer, he now devotes his time to community environmental programs.

Additional information

Weight1.4 kg
Dimensions20 × 27 × 3 cm


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